Philip James Corso: The Officer Who Examined the Anatomy of an Alien

Philip James Corso, lieutenant colonel, hero of the Second World War and one of the most influential employees of the Pentagon, throughout his military career was known as a man of courage and truth.

For several years he worked for the National Security Service. By the nature of his work, Philippe Corso was familiar with the many secrets of the American government.

Since 1961, Philippe Corso worked several times in the secret department of the Pentagon, which was responsible for the preservation of numerous fragments of the crashed alien aircraft.

Brig. Gen. Brown (left) shakes the hand of Maj. Philip Corso, who just received his bronze star in Rome.

His duties also included the task of preventing the disclosure of secrets associated with the incident at Roswell. One of these secrets, guarded by the American government, is the events associated with the mysterious incident that took place in July 1947.

At this time, Philip Corso was in Roswell as a government inspector and was one of the first to find himself at the crash site of an unidentified object, later identified in secret documents as an “alien spacecraft”.

The events that he witnessed, Corso described in his book “The Day After Roswell”, which also provides other information gleaned by him from various government documents.

On July 6, 1947, Philippe Corso arrived at the crash site of a mysterious object. In a small depression next to the wreckage of the mysterious apparatus, he discovered a small capsule about one and a half meters long, in which there was a dead alien.

The aircraft crashed a few kilometers from the American military base number 509, located near Roswell in the headquarters of New Mexico. Philippe Corso became extremely interested in the creature in the capsule, and he began to examine it.

The alien lay in a viscous light blue liquid that resembled a jelly-like diesel fuel.

“At the first moment it seemed to me that there was a dead child in front of me, but it was not a man, but a strange creature of small size,” Corso recalls.

The creature was barely 1 meter 20 centimeters tall and resembled a man, but had many differences. Hands and feet were very thin. And the hands had only 4 fingers (there was no thumb). On a rather puny body stood out a huge head, which in its shape resembled a light bulb. The chin was barely noticeable.

“Examining the creature, I could not help feeling fear, although I did not quite understand what I should have feared,”- says Philippe Corso. Despite this, Corso was the first to dare to lift the capsule lid and take a closer look at the alien.

The creature’s skin was gray, but Corso believes that it could not have been skin, but some kind of ultra-thin material that was unusually tightly wrapped around the alien’s body.

Huge almond-shaped eyes, completely devoid of pupils, were located on the head somewhat at an angle and the post converged at a tiny nose. The nose barely protruded from the surface of the face and consisted of nostrils alone.

The alien’s sunken cheeks could only be seen from the side. Ears resembling human ones were missing from the alien. No eyebrows or any other characteristic of a person was observed on the face.

The unusually small mouth looked more like a small slit and, like the nose, stood out very faintly on the face, all the features of which occupied an insignificant part of the huge skull.

As Philippe Corso recalls, although the alien was dead, there was no noticeable damage to his body: “I could not see a single wound on the body, there was no blood and all parts of the body looked intact.”

In the early 60s, while working at the Pentagon, Philip Corso came across a report by doctors from the Walter Reed military hospital, who in 1947, shortly after the Roswell incident, performed an autopsy on an alien.

Having carefully examined the corpse of an alien, scientists made an unusually important conclusion: the chemical composition of the tissues of an alien creature, although different from ours, but at the same time, does not contain any elements unknown to modern science.

The report further states that the creature, like humans, has a heart and lungs, but their structure and functioning are significantly different from those of humans.

The heart of an alien is much larger than a human, and it contracts, according to pathologists, much less frequently. It works in the manner of an ordinary muscle pump and distills liquid, which in its composition resembles lymph, through a rather primitive “circle of blood circulation”.

Based on the large volume of the heart and lungs, the doctors assumed that the creature had a rather weak metabolic rate. In addition, according to physiologists, the body of this alien has never experienced great physical exertion.

The lungs of the alien creature were also quite large. Their main function was the accumulation of “air” and its gradual consumption. Scientists have compared the work of an alien’s lungs with how a camel stores water in advance and then uses it as needed. Proceeding from this, the doctors assumed that this creature had little need for “air”, and the opportunity to “breathe” was not often provided.

The alien’s skeleton was also different from that of a human. The structure of the skeleton was fibrous, and the bones themselves are much thinner than those of the human skeleton.

One of the main differences between humans and the discovered alien, according to scientists, is the complete absence of a digestive and excretory system in the latter! But the creature had two layers of skin: outer and inner.

The outer skin was a fairly strong protective layer, but at the same time it had great firmness and elasticity. The inner one was unusually thin and had a huge throughput, with the help of which, according to the assumptions of physiologists, the creature was metabolizing and excreting substances.

It is also possible that with the help of such a structure of the skin, an alien creature supplied the necessary nutrients to the body, since an undeveloped mouth and the absence of a digestive tract make it impossible to feed in a “human” way.

The alien’s skull was disproportionately large, and its bones, very soft and elastic compared to human ones, resembled rubber in softness.

The alien’s brain turned out to be much larger than a human and was extremely large for this creature with a delicate and weak structure of the body and skeleton. The brain was divided into four sections, or spheres, the functions of which were difficult to determine.

Philip Corso believes that the US military performed not only a superficial examination and autopsy, but also a detailed study of the alien’s remains, as well as a comprehensive study of the aircraft.

According to Corso, many devices and devices were developed based on the technology of the alien ship, which are still widely used in science and technology to this day.

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